Nourishing the Nation Today

for A Sustainable Tomorrow

We Give and Grow Together Towards
A Common Vision, A Prosperous Nation

A Taste of Global Culture

Through Our Purpose and Values,
We Are One

Balancing Needs With
Decades of Experience


The Essence

Feeding the nation while navigating industry transformation to enable sustainable agriculture and food system.

BERNAS’ corporate history is one laden with change and transformation. From our heritage as a former Government agency – Lembaga Padi dan Beras Negara till the corporatisation in 1994, we have embraced and navigated each transformation successfully, without neglecting our primary role as the keeper of the national food security.

Our tagline, Nourishing the Nation echoes BERNAS’ existence in providing the very best in products and services to the nation; where people of all races have come to appreciate and expect. Malaysians as ONE can relish the fact that BERNAS is operated by the people, for the people.

We are in the business of food and agriculture and we have stayed faithful to our commitments over the last three decades. Changes and challenges have shaped who we are today. Tomorrow will always be an exciting new page in our journey. We are an optimist, savvy and empowered organisation, striving to ensure that our food products are on every plate in every household.

Our Commitment

Leveraging our experience, expertise and resources, we are relentless in our commitment to nurturing growth through a constant and strong partnership with the industry leaders and other key industry stakeholders.
Farm Management

Farm Management

We knew too well that the paddy and rice industry’s transformation is inevitable and vital for progress. With this in mind, we are making a determined effort to reshape and rejuvenate our paddy farming sector and contribute to a sustainable agro-food industry.
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National Stockpile Management

National Stockpile Management

Rice is our primary staple food and an instrumental food crop that ensures our national food security. We have come a long way; surmounted many challenges in the past and emerged better prepared to face the future.
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Rice Distribution & Marketing

Rice Distribution & Marketing

Increasing the safety, security and transportability of rice supply amid rapidly changing conditions provides a holistic solution for our national food security.
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Honouring Our Roots


No. of LSF
Granary (ha)
Current Hectarage (ha)
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